Awesome Visual Analytics in Healthcare
A community-curated list of awesome resources for visual analytics in healthcare. This list will be of interest to wide audience, including, students, academics, practitioners and healthcare professionals.
AMIA Visual Analytics Working Group maintains this list, although we do not endorse any resource in particular. We welcome suggestions as GitHub Pull Requests or Discussion posts or via this Airtable form (no login required).
Related Awesome lists:
Table of Contents
(alphabetical order)
Checklists & Guidelines
- VAHC Workshop - Visual Analytics in Healthcare Workshop is an annual academic event hosted alternatively at AMIA (on even years) and IEEE VIS (on odd years). The workshop is dedicated to the study of visual analytics in healthcare. The workshop is a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss their work, and to identify research challenges and opportunities in the field.
Notable works
Featured in AMIA Year in Review
- [Integrating statistical and visual analytic methods for bot identification of health-related survey data] ( by Annie T. Chen, …, Yan Zhang from University of Washington and UT Austin. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, July 2023
Visual Analytics 101
Human-Computer Interaction / Human-centered Design
Clinical Decision Support
Visual Analytics System
Review Paper
- CadenceEVA - a visual analytics platform for event sequence analysis
- PyHealth - a Python Library for Healthcare Predictive Tasks
- SandDance - SandDance is a web-based application that enables you to more easily explore, identify, and communicate insights about tabular data.
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