
To be considered for oral or poster presentations, authors must submit a paper.

Online Submission

Papers must be submitted online at

Submission Guidelines

  • Paper Formatting: Full papers are limited to eight pages (demos and posters to two pages). Submitted papers must use the ACM templates which are available here.
  • Publication: Accepted full papers will be published on the ACM Digital Library and subject to all ACM publishing policies.

Authors of accepted full papers need to incorporate an ACM Rights Statement in their camera-ready papers. Moreover, they need to generate and include ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) codes, using the CCS 2012 Author Support Tool (see instructions under 'Generate CCS Codes' top right of the page). Note that posters and demos will NOT appear in the ACM Digital Library, they will only be posted on the VAHC website. Thus, poster and demo authors must NOT include a copyright notice but instead say 'Copyright held by the owner/author(s)' (LaTeX: \setcopyright{rightsretained}). Contact vahc.sig at if you have any questions.

Review process:

Papers will be reviewed based on novelty, contribution, and relevance to the area of visualization, visual analytics, and health informatics. The program committee, which includes physicians and visualization experts, will review each submission and select a set of papers for oral presentation and other papers for poster presentations.

No show policy

At least one author of accepted paper and poster presentations are expected to attend the workshop. VAHC reserves the right to ban authors from future workshops if their accepted paper or poster is not presented at the conference.