Call for Papers


We invite you to contribute your best work for the 2022 Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC 2022), which is the 13th annual workshop that provides an opportunity for participants to discuss state-of-the-art data visualization techniques and review how such techniques can be applied to healthcare data.

The VAHC 2022 aims to bring together leading scientists, medical experts, and visionaries to discuss: a) interactive visualization methodologies, techniques, and tools that can be applied to healthcare data, b) challenging areas of healthcare that need more attention from data visualization and visual analytics, and c) emerging visualization techniques, software applications, and datasets.

During the last twelve years, the Workshop on VAHC has been successfully organized and hosted seven times at the IEEE Visualization Conference (2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2021) and five times at the AMIA Annual Symposium (2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2020). This year, the VAHC 2022 workshop is going to be held in conjunction with the AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium in Washington, DC, USA, November 5-9, 2022. For more information about all previous VAHC events and to access the open-access proceedings from each of the previous workshops, please see past events.


We welcome discussions of the use of visual approaches, interaction design, statistical methods, and machine learning for healthcare data analysis. Participants may address the needs of a variety of healthcare stakeholders, including clinical researchers, epidemiologists, public health analysts, pharmaco-vigilance experts, physicians, hospital-based quality assurance officers, insurance claim analysts, and patients.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Application of visual analytics

    • Clinical care:

      • Prescription drugs and drug-drug interactions
      • Longitudinal clinical data
      • Visual data mining of EMRs
      • Specific contexts, including surgery, radiology, emergency department, patient safety, mental health, and others
      • Clinical workflows
      • Outcome forecasting or prediction
    • Patient-related applications:

      • Patient-generated health data
      • Understanding of patient behavior and experience
      • Patient education
      • Physician-patient communication
  • Multi-omic datasets

  • Public health data:

    • Pandemic forecasting and tracking
    • Public health surveillance systems
  • Human cognition:

    • Integration of visualization techniques and machine learning/artificial intelligence
    • Rigor and reproducibility
    • Human computer interaction
    • User-centered design and evaluation of visual analytics systems


We encourage a diverse range of submissions and demonstrations from academia, healthcare organizations, and industry in any of the types listed below:

  • Short papers ("4+A+1" format, will be indexed in IEEE Xplore)

    • Research and Application
    • System Demonstration
  • Abstracts (1-2 pages AMIA or IEEE format, will not be indexed)

    • Design challenge*
    • System demonstration**
    • Poster
  • While the authors can define the problem and solution in their own context, a design challenge submission should be centered around visual analytics and meet AMIA 2022's theme - Informatics: Building the Evidence Base. The topics are including, but not limited to: COVID-19, Clinical Decision Support, Shared Decision Making, Patient Communication, Patient-Generated Health Data, and Education . Accepted submissions will present their work in the VAHC as podium presentations and will be judged by domain experts as well as the audience.

** All system demonstration papers are required to provide a link to an online video in 1-2 minutes long. The video should be uploaded to a public platform, such as YouTube and Vimeo, with an URL for access.

4+A+1: We will accept papers with four pages plus one page of references (4+1). In addition, authors are encouraged to add additional figures to an appendix (A) section at the end of the manuscript. The appendix (A) section allows authors to present more of their interesting visualization results at greater resolutions, resulting in the paper format "4+A+1".

For "4+A+1" submissions, please use the VGTC conference style template.

For 1-2 pages submissions, both VGTC format and AMIA format works.

All material should be submitted via the Precision Conference System (PCS): []


As required by AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium, if your submission is accepted, you will register either for the full conference at the designated author registration rate or for the day they are presenting at the daily registration rate of AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium.

All of the accepted papers, system demonstrations, and posters will be included in the VAHC 2022 proceedings. Only those accepted papers and system demonstrations of the "4+A+1" format will be published in the IEEE Xplore digital library. Authors of accepted papers and abstracts can choose not to publish their paper on IEEE Xplore.


Contact vahc.sig at if you have any questions.


  • Deadline for submission: August 15, 2022 August 26, 2022
  • Notification of acceptance: September 19, 2022 September 28, 2022
  • Camera-ready due: October 19, 2022
  • Workshop: November 5, 2022

(All deadlines are set to 11:59pm EST of the day)