The 2024 Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC 2024) is the 15th annual workshop that provides an opportunity for participants to discuss state-of-the-art interactive visual data analysis techniques and review how such techniques can be applied to healthcare data. The primary objective of the workshop is to bring together leading VIS designers, scientists, medical experts, and visionaries to discuss: a) interactive data visualization techniques that can be applied to healthcare data, b) areas of healthcare that need more attention from visualization and visual data analysis research, and c) emerging research trends, visualization techniques, software applications, benchmarks, and open datasets. The workshop will enable presenters to showcase their ongoing work through oral presentation and system demos, either as video supplemental material or live demos during the workshop to be arranged with the organizers for maximum visibility. In years past, demos of prototype and/or production visual analytics software have been particularly well received, and paper submitters are encouraged to submit a companion demo proposal.
We welcome discussions of the use of visual approaches, interaction design, statistical methods, and machine learning for healthcare data analysis. Participants may address the needs of various user groups, including (but not limited to) patients, clinical researchers, epidemiologists, public health analysts, physicians, hospital-based quality assurance officers, and insurance claim analysts.
The 2024 Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare will cover a range of topics on the design, implementation, deployment, evaluation, and abstraction of visual analytics methods, including (but not limited to):
Clinical care:
- Prescription drugs and drug-drug interactions
- Multi-omic datasets
- Longitudinal clinical data
- Visual data mining of EMRs
- Specific treatment contexts, emergency department, patient safety, mental health.
- Clinical workflows
- Outcome forecasting or prediction
- Explainable AI and ML in healthcare
Digital health and personal health
- Mobile health
- Wearable devices' data control and processing
- Telehealth and telemedicine
- Personalized medicine
Patient-related applications:
- Patient-generated health data
- Understanding of patient behavior and experience
- Patient education
- Physician-patient communication
Public health data:
- Pandemic forecasting and tracking
- Learning from crises with visualization
- Public health surveillance systems
We encourage a diverse range of submissions and demonstrations from academia, healthcare organizations, and industry in any of the types listed below:
Short papers (in "4+A+1" IEEE format)
- Research
- Application
Doctoral consortium (in "2+1" IEEE format or AMIA format; these will not be indexed)
- Doctoral consortium: focuses on preliminary results related to visual analytics
Abstracts (in "2+1" IEEE format or AMIA format; these will not be indexed)
- System demonstration (every system demo may be accompanied by a video demo submission)
- Poster
4+A+1: We will accept papers with four pages plus one page of references (4+1). In addition, authors are encouraged to add additional figures to an appendix (A) section at the end of the manuscript. The appendix (A) section allows authors to present more of their interesting visualization results at greater resolutions, resulting in the paper format "4+A+1".
All material will be submitted via EasyChair.
For short papers, please use the IEEE VGTC conference style template:
Contact or if you have any questions.
- Name: Hilton San Francisco Union Square
- Address: 333 O'Farrell St, San Francisco, CA 94102
- Contact: AMIA Meetings Team
- Contact Phone: 301-657-1291 option 3
- Contact Email:
There is no registration deadline. The daily registration fee is $565 for AMIA members and $675 for non-members. Please check the official AMIA website for more information.
- Deadline for submission: September 16, 2024
- Notification of acceptance: October 12, 2024
- Camera-ready papers due: November 4, 2024
- VAHC 2024 workshop: November 9, 2024 (8:30am - 12:00pm PST)
- Danny T.Y. Wu, PhD, MSI, FAMIA, University of Cincinnati
- Swami Kandaswamy, PhD, FAMIA, Emory University